Just a reminder that our WBDGW disc golf tournament is TOMORROW (Sat, May 5) at 1pm!
You may register on-site at the at the NDG parking lot at the corner of Lovers Lane/Ticcoma Way between 12:30-1pm. The entry fee is $20 and that includes on-site registration, WBDGW disc & t-shirt, pen, scorecard, and basic disc golf instruction. Prizes will be awarded to all age/sex groups (<8, 8-12, 13-17, 18-54, >55). Remember, the whole emphasis of this tournament is on FUN!
E-mail todd@nantucketdiscgolf.org with any questions...and see ya tomorrow!
(Note: If we are rained out tomorrow, we will hold the tournament Sun (May 6) at 1pm)